New Year's Resolutions: How to Reach Your Goals

New year, new you, right? Wrong…

While I love the idea and intention surrounding New Year’s resolutions, I’ve got to shine a light on reality: You’re still the same you, regardless of the calendar progressing from one year to the next, and if you want to initiate change, YOU have to change and YOUR HABITS have to change.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m ALL about working towards a better version of yourself and improving your mind, body and spirit. But HOW are you going to initiate that change, and WHO/WHAT is going to hold you accountable?

A few things to keep in mind as you reset and recommit to your intentions this year:


Most of us have heard that the definition of “crazy” is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The fact is, nothing changes if nothing changes.

If you want to lose weight, you have to improve your diet and exercise. If you want that promotion at work, you’ve got to work harder and smarter. If you want to purchase that house, you’ve got to save more money. All of these things come with sacrifices, and it’s not easy to say goodbye to something (consuming extra calories, spending money, partying) in order to say yes to something else (losing weight, building your financial portfolio, etc.).

But repeating what you did last year isn’t going to help you reach the new goals you’ve set this year.


If you committed to a certain goal last year and you didn’t reach it, your method isn’t working for you.

Do you need more accountability when it comes to your workouts? Grab a buddy, coach or trainer. Do you need a budget to help monitor monthly finances? Create one. Do you want to minimize your alcohol intake? Find friends and activities that support no alcohol. Do you want to be a better partner in your marriage, and you failed at improving it on your own? Maybe couples therapy can help.


It’s going to be hard. Anything you start that’s new or intensified is going to be painful at first. You may be tired, sore, feel overwhelmed, or feel like you’re missing out on fun (hello FOMO).

But it gets easier with time, I promise you. Stick with it and soon enough, it will become a normal part of your weekly routine.

YOU are the only one standing in your way when it comes to reaching your goals. Set your intention, create an actionable plan that you can adhere to, get the support you need from those around you (or hire someone!), and kick those goals’ butts!

Until next time,

XoXo Peri
