The Magical Unicorn of Motivation Does Not Exist: Committing to Your Goals and Making the Ultimate Sacrifice to Reach Them

One of my clients is struggling with her commitment to improving her health right now, and I had to have a very real and honest conversation with her about her goals, commitment, and priorities.

The questions isn’t about if you want something or not. Because we all want something — more money, a “better body,” to be a better parent, a more loving partner, etc. Rather, it’s about HOW MUCH you want it, and how much you’re willing to work for it and sacrifice in order to get it.

How hard are you willing to work, especially when you don’t feel like it, when you feel unmotivated, or when you’d rather be doing something else? Do you show up then? Is it still worth it to you then?

Excuses are simply that. Excuses. Too busy, too sore, not prepared, not enough money, don’t feel like it… The truth is, writing that book just isn’t that important to you. That certification doesn’t really matter that much to you. Losing weight isn’t a big priority.

You SAY you want it, but you aren’t willing to show up and DO THE WORK to achieve it.

Don’t wait until rock bottom. Don’t want until shit hits the fan to get your act together. Don’t wait until your health declines, until weight builds up, or until disease settles in. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Make the shift. Invest in your dreams and your goals today so you don’t have to pay for lack of action tomorrow. It’ll be worth it, you just have to START, and care enough to keep going.

I believe in you,

XoXo Peri
